{# This file is part of the Sonata package. (c) Thomas Rabaix For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code. #} {% extends get_admin_template('base_list_field', admin.code) %} {% set is_editable = field_description.option('editable', false) and admin.hasAccess('edit', object) %} {% set x_editable_type = field_description.type|sonata_xeditable_type %} {% block field_span_attributes %} {% if is_editable and x_editable_type %} {% apply spaceless %} {{ parent() }} data-source="{{ field_description|sonata_xeditable_choices|json_encode }}" {% endapply %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {# NEXT_MAJOR: Remove the fallback on catalogue #} {% block field %} {%- include '@SonataAdmin/CRUD/display_choice.html.twig' with { value: value, choices: field_description.option('choices'), multiple: field_description.option('multiple'), delimiter: field_description.option('delimiter'), translation_domain: field_description.option('choice_translation_domain', field_description.option('catalogue')), safe: field_description.option('safe'), } only -%} {% endblock %}